Reply To: What would you do in this situation???

Mark Chase

    Great answers, Josh and Patrice!

    If simple forceful command (FC) is not leading to expulsion, we need to assume that God wants to deal with some sin in this woman’s life. Keep in mind, this is not a pagan non-believer, but a born-again Christian. This wasn’t some sort of evangelistic situation where God needed to demonstrate His power.

    Therefore, this woman’s healing will most likely be handled through Technical Deliverance. God can and does deliver His people through Sovereign Deliverance. However, the more common pattern with believers is breaking legal rights first.

    So, if FC is not working and demons can’t be marshaled, it is wise to bind the demons and bring the core back up. Find out more about the PRM’s trauma history. Focus on Inner Healing (LPTC). Then confront demons again.

    All students of IU know that the presence of dissociated parts of the core (DPCs) is the number one legal right for demons. Of course, there might be some other “x-factor” legal right as well. This would be ascertained during a private session, most likely.

    God bless you! BM