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Invicta University is an online school of deliverance and inner healing ministry
Invicta University is YOUR center for online deliverance ministry training!

Deliverance Counseling

Deliverance Counseling serves to prepare an individual who is to receive Inner Healing and Technical Deliverance ministry. It consists of the teaching, encouraging, coaching, and guidance that the Invicta-Trained Deliverance Minister imparts before initiating the prayer aspect of his ministry.

Deliverance Counseling positions the individual who seeks deliverance in the optimal place to receive God’s healing. Deliverance Counseling lays the proper foundation for a successful session. Deliverance Counseling is faith-based. It is not research-based or science-based.

Inner Healing

Inner Healing is the healing of the mind, or soul. This healing consists primarily of the healing of the dissociated parts of the mind. These dissociated, or fragmented, parts of the mind typically encapsulate pain and trauma from the past. Inner Healing consists of other ministry elements as well.

Inner Healing can also be referred to as the binding up of the broken heart. In most cases, effective Inner Healing is a critical prerequisite before the expulsion of demons can take place.

Technical Deliverance

Technical Deliverance refers to the major class of deliverance in which demonic legal rights are first broken and removed before the demons are confronted and cast out. Technical Deliverance is received first and foremost by Christian believers. 

Invicta University Student Testimonies

Invicta University Consists of Three Levels

The IU academic program consists of three sequential Levels. Each Level is one Course.

Within each Level:
  • Enrollment is always open
  • Lectures are PDF-based with video reinforcement
  • Students work through the Lectures and videos at their own pace
  • All enrolled students are invited to participate in the monthly Zoom Learning Community meetings
  • All enrolled students are welcome to register to attend the Annual Convention in Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Level 1: Core Principles of Deliverance and Inner Healing
(open for enrollment now)

Level 1 of Invicta University imparts foundational knowledge, core vocabulary, and key theological and ministry concepts. Course Level 1 prepares the student of IU to move on to the practical levels of Level 2 and Level 3. All new students must begin in Level 1. 

Invicta University is not a crash course in deliverance. Instead, IU is an academic, methodical, and intensive course of deliverance ministry instruction.

The Level 1 program consists of 30 Sections containing 60+ PDF-based Lectures and 40+ videos.

In addition, all Level 1 students are invited (and encouraged!) to attend the Level 1 monthly Zoom meeting, called Learning Community.  During Learning Community, Mark and Jana meet with enrolled students to teach, encourage, and answer questions, and teach.

As a student, you will see that IU is not just an online school; it is a professional learning community made up of serious students of deliverance ministry, just like you!

Practices and Procedures of the Ministry of Deliverence
Level 2: Practices and Procedures of the Ministry of Deliverance
(open for enrollment now)

The Level 2 Course curriculum builds on the core foundational knowledge that is acquired in Level 1. Successful completion of Level 1 is a prerequisite for enrollment in Level 2. Level 2 focuses on training the student in the pragmatic execution of the three deliverance ministry discipline areas of Deliverance Counseling, Inner Healing, and Deliverance.

In Level 2 of IU, the student learns the step-by-step procedures that will qualify him or her to sit with individuals in session (both one-on-one and group) who are seeking deliverance and healing.

Level 2 of IU consists of 30 Sections containing 80+ PDF-based Lectures and 90+ instructional videos. Many of the Level 2 videos in IU consist of actual deliverance sessions with in-depth teaching commentary.

Upon successful completion of Level 2 of IU, the graduate is automatically considered an Invicta-Trained Deliverance Minister.

For those students who are driven to take their training to the highest levels, IU offers Invicta Certification. Invicta Certification is achieved by completing some additional Course requirements, including turning in formal session notes, an oral evaluation, as well as turning in video evidence of successful ministry session execution.

Upon completing these additional requirements, the Level 2 graduate receives a diploma stating that he or she is an Invicta-Certified Deliverance Minister and Inner Healer.

Level 3: Advanced Topics and Deliverance Ministry Operations
(available 2025)

The Level 3 Course curriculum is primarily for those students who know that they have been called to actively conduct this ministry full-time and at the highest levels. Invicta University Course Level 3 builds on the knowledge and practices acquired in Level 2 and goes on to explore many advanced ministry topics such as deliverance ministry operations. Successful completion of Level 2 is a prerequisite for enrollment in Level 3.

Upon successful completion of IU Level 3, the graduate is automatically an Invicta-Trained Deliverance Minister. In addition, the graduate of Level 3 is eligible to pursue the highest level of Invicta Certification. Level 3 students who wish to become Level 3 Invicta Certified will complete some additional Course requirements, including turning in session notes, an oral evaluation, writing a five-page thesis, as well as turning in video evidence of successful session execution. Upon completing the additional requirements, the Level 3 graduate then receives a diploma stating that he or she is an Invicta-Certified Professional Deliverance Minister and Inner Healer.

Ministries Being Trained by Invicta University

Invicta University Statistics

IU Student Body Gender Stats

The Invicta University student body consists of 39% males and 61% females.

Deliverance Ministry Prior Experience

Percentage of IU students with prior deliverance ministry experience before beginning their studies at IU.

IU Students Based Inside USA

90% of IU students are based in the USA, while 10% are based outside of the USA.

The Children's Bread, Second Edition

Enrollment in Level 1 of Invicta University includes a free digital copy (PDF) of Mark’s popular 344-page book, The Children’s Bread, Second Edition.

This text demonstrates both theologically and practically how born-again Christian believers can indeed have demons, and therefore need deliverance from these demons. It puts to rest the arguments of the NDMCs (the non-deliverance ministry Christians) who promote the salvation-settles-it-all doctrine which states that all demons instantly fly out of their victims the moment they are born again.

In reality, the born-again experience doesn’t remove all the indwelling demons; instead, it gives the born-again individual the authority they need in order to tell the demons to go!

The Children’s Bread, Second Edition also serves as a textbook for IU. It covers many fundamental concepts that the Level 1 student of IU is expected to master. If you would like to have a physical copy in addition to the PDF version of the book, click HERE.

Mark and Jana Chase

Mark and Jana have ministered deliverance to thousands of individuals. They do this ministry full-time conducting public meetings as well as private sessions. Now, Mark and Jana are excited to impart to you, what they have learned about this ministry through both experience and revelation.  

If God is giving you the nudge to learn this ministry in order to minister healing to His Church, then Invicta Certification may be for you. Invicta University is a three-Level sequential learning curriculum that offers professional certification in the ministry of deliverance and inner healing. Invicta Certification might be important for you if you plan on taking this ministry to your church or some other Christian organization.

By enrolling in Invicta University, you will have opportunities to learn directly from Mark and Jana during Learning Community. And as a student of IU, you will learn and master the Invicta Paradigm, which is the way that we see and do things here at Invicta. The foundation of the Invicta Paradigm is repentance and submission to Jesus. 

Invicta University is the online teaching and certification arm of Invicta Ministries of Deliverance and Inner Healing which is located in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA.

Mark and Jana bless you and declare huge blessings over your ministry!