Level 1 Reviews

Myriam Mantilla
Myriam Mantilla
Verified Level 1 Student 24-02-12
The level one foundation contains so much knowledge that it renews the mind, as we have been called to do. Its foundation is so solid that it dismantles worldly and satanic thoughts. Backed by scripture and real-world examples to back every teaching, enabling you to strengthen your faith and become aware of the enemy’s schemes. It increases your growth as a servant of the Lord and minister. The strongest foundation is to be found in Scripture, this class is filled with it. I strongly suggest it to everyone, you have to enroll in this course if you want a solid foundation in Christ.
April Worthington
April Worthington
Verified Level 1 Student 25-01-28
Hello future IU Student! Welcome to your future! If you join Level one you will be blessed in many ways and mightily equipped in the ministry of deliverance here at IU! I came here looking for personal deliverance and now have already held one public session and numerous private sessions for others. (I'm a Level two student at this time!) IU is a serious course and will take a real investment of time. Brother Mark is a teacher/writer/researcher who has not only given us a comprehensive course, but has given us language by which we can easily explain complex topics in deliverance to others. He and IU are here to disciple other deliverance ministers so he also will discipline the committed Invicta student to eventually launch their own ministries, if so led. May God richly bless you and your ministry. May you shine brightly for Him in everything you do!
Ivette Farra
Ivette Farra
Verified Level 1 Student 25-01-30
Level One is a comprehensive academic curriculum to learn the foundations of the ministry of Inner Healing and Deliverance, it is backed by Scripture and contains an extensive resource of videos curated for educational purposes. While you have the ability to learn at your own pace, Invicta University students participate of an interactive class every month via zoom. Level One Students can participate also in the Invicta University Annual Convention held on the month of September which gives you a great opportunity to fellowship with other students from around the world, receive knowledge and impartation from the more experienced deliverance ministers, and more.
Joshua Keeble
Joshua Keeble
Verified Level 1 Student 22-07-14
Excellent Foundational Course!
Scott Gray
Scott Gray
Verified Level 1 Student 25-02-08
Whether you are completely new to the ministry of deliverance and inner healing or already being used to minister to others, I believe there is a place for you at Invicta University. Level 1 is foundational and offers students the core principles of this ministry backed by Scripture and led by a humble servant, brother, and pastor, Mark Chase. This school creates comprehensive teachings combined with practical experience so we can be sent out into the harvest field like we read about in Isaiah 61:1. Invicta is more than just a place to learn, it’s also part of a community and a place to grow into who God has called us to be.
Beth Pavur
Beth Pavur
Verified Level 1 Student 25-02-13
This course will well prepare you to become an effective deliverance minister. The amount of information in it is staggering. An experienced deliverance minister could more than triple their knowledge. Pastor Mark is a gifted teacher and the materials are very well organized and optimized for learning. The lessons are thorough, fascinating and backed by scripture. I feel that this course will elevate to the highest levels my ability to serve those needing ministry. I feel so blessed to have been led to this course.