Reply To: Repentance Verses

Steven Ching

    This verse reveals the path for Christains to be restored to spiritual health and escape necessary correction from our Father. I like knowing there is a clear way to having my “land” healed and restored. I want my state of life submitted to and blessed by God. I want to experience His promises and be a servant for His will. I appreciate the emphasis Mark puts on repentance. This ministry has made it clear to me how dangerous our sin and apathy is. The church is in a war and sadly many Christains don’t even know it. Too many lives are being damaged and destroyed. I am thankful for Invicta and other ministries that are rising up to take back the land. I have been challenged to draw closer to God because I see my need more clearly now. I need to be filled with Holy Spirit. Its so wonderful to actually use the authority given to us by Jesus to force demons out and see people set free. Thankyou Jesus!