Reply To: Welcome to Invicta University!


    Hello everyone,
    my name is Babel and I live in Sydney, Australia. It was nice meeting you all on zoom. I am so thankful to be part of this community.
    I lead worship and I’m hungry to see God moving here in Australia and around the world and equipping His Chruch to do His work.
    In February this year, the Lord led to do some fasting and prayer to seek Him and I was praying for direction and to know my calling. Towards the middle of the fast, one of my sisters came to me and asked me if I knew how to cast out demons. I said to her that I had never done that. She had prayed to God to expose anything that was not from Him in her life the night before and when she woke up, she felt something in her head and throat that she could not eat the whole day. She also told me that she tried to call someone that did deliverance that she had found online but he told her that he was not doing that anymore. I said to her “I guess we have to do it then.” Once we got to her room and I started praying, my sister started manifesting and demons started saying their names.. The Lord was merciful and He delivered my sister. Immediately after that, she got healed from a condition she had that the doctors had not found any solution or cause to it. Praise the Lord!! Then, next day, my other sister also started manifesting and got delivered as well. From that point on, I started studying about it and watching videos.
    I ordered pastor Mark’s book “The Children’s Bread” from an online seller but it got lost. The seller emailed me the photos that showed that it was delivered to the neighbour’s house but when I asked the neighbours, they told me that they received nothing!!! *It had never happened before! So I ordered another one and thank God I received it 🙂
    When I found IU, I Started praying about it for some time. Then, I felt like the Lord wanted me to enrol so I did. I wanna thank God for IU and also thank you Pastor Mark and Pastor Jana!
    I’m so excited to see what The Lord is gonna do in the life of every single person using this course.
    My mobile number is +61 470 359 384
    My email: [email protected]
    Blessings to you all.