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Good evening pastor Mark and pastor Jana
This evening’s learning community discussion this evening very informative, the case study with the annotations were very helpful as well. I am still learning how to use IU platform, hence the reason for the infrequent posts. This is my third time only posting. What led me to this deliverance was the devil’s attack on my teenage daughter, she started having issues from the time she was born, as she got older, we started to see symptoms of a learning disability, kicked out of school, then issues with running away, defiance, promiscuity and rebellion. I was on a quest to save my daughter. This is how I started the journey in warfare and deliverance. I realized that I needed myself needed to go through deliverance and later became convicted this was a call God placed on my life that was prophesied over me in the late 90’s. So, here I am in 2021 a student with IU to acquire the much needed skills and knowledge to carry out the call of God on my life. I am very honored to be on this journey with all of you. I have recently started Respite for Change, a ministry ordained by Holy Spirit. Website: http://www.respiteforchange.com. my personal cell is 772-206-9273. God’s Blessings to all of you at IU