Reply To: Welcome to Invicta University!


    Hello Everyone:

    I am Kelly, and I grew up in Ohio, and moved to San Diego @ 21 to check it out. Well, 33 years later, marriage, 2 beautiful daughters later, I’d say, I love it here! I’ll stay.

    Approximately 3 years ago the Lord put on my heart to learn spiritual warfare, and look where we are in the world now! Our Lord is so amazing! During my journey I found Invicta Ministries and Pastor Mark and Pastor Jana, and I thank the Lord for them and pray for them every single day!

    I also am a SRA overcomer! Fortunately, the abuse and training stopped when I was 5 years old, but the torment lasted my whole life. The Lord has been revealing, little by little, Deuteronomy 7:22, what satan tried to steal from me and my family.

    I want to do deliverance for anyone the Lord sends to me, and I also, through much prayer have been given a burden for human trafficking victims. I am open to what the Lord wants me to do. I have had a few dreams that I will have a home to help transition God’s beautiful children, (they were adult women in my dream, so figuratively speaking) into a life of Christ’s love and direction.

    No matter what the evil one aspires to do, the Lord can always turn it into good! So excited to learn and assist in the Lord’s healing along side of you all!
