Reply To: Level 1 General Forum

Amanda Allen

    Sally Anne,
    To your first question
    First repent to Jesus of the daily sin we are all guilty of, and pray his blood over your mind. A causeless curse can not land, and it is by curse or God’s sovereignty alone a demon gains the legal right to enforce the curse.

    To your second thought, some curses befall us for no other reason than to show the glory of God. Bonkke died of throat cancer, but he spent every last breath he had preaching the truth. I praise God for that, for the bravery and submission to the will of God he showed to his death. May his life be an example to us all.

    Third, yes. The reason: It is not you doing the deliverance, it is the Holy Spirit. Do you think a demon inside you can interfere with…
    1. The sovereign will of God
    2. The Blood of Jesus
    3. The power of the Holy Spirit?
    You will have to tell me if you do. I have a hypothesis that by trusting God, and obeying the great commission that God most likely blesses us when we give our ministry to others by delivering us of those unclean spirits that hinder God’s plan for us. It may not be the same spirit, but I believe that the Holy Spirit delivers us when we help deliver others.
    @Pastor Mark, please fact check me on this as I would never want to misinform my fellow students.
    In hindsight, and discussion with Pastor Mark, I was flawed in my assertion that God can and will curse without the presence of sin. I would also like to apologise for my direct and sometimes blunt manner of writing and speech. It has been brought to my attention that it comes across as authoritative, and where I may be considered an authority in some areas relevant to this school, this is not one of them. That is why I will always defer to Pastor Mark and Pastor Janna.

    Sally Anne, you are a treasure and I thank God that you are here. I cover you with the blood of Jesus, and God bless you.