Reply To: Level 1 General Forum

Sally Anne Gist

    I’m surrounded by NDMC’s and was raised on their teaching. Precious believers, but in the produce section at the grocery store, in parking lots outside hospitals, and in other random places, people from local churches come up to me and say, “There has to be more, right?” And I know what they’re talking about. What you’re teaching here is the “more.’ Their spirit knows it, and it has to be shared!

    This morning in my quiet time the Lord put the thought in my heart that anxiety (something He is delivering me from–hallelujah!) is satan’s replacement version of God’s joy. When we’re super happy, we feel our heart leap with joy and our insides tickle with laughter, but when we’re worried and tormented by a spirit of fear (for me it’s perfectionism), we feel anxiousness and the laughter of hell, which is palpable anxiety.