Reply To: Gravatar

Avatar photoMyriam

    Hello Everyone!

    Here are the instructions to upload an avatar photo without having to create a Gravatar account. You can do this under your own Profile!

    1. Click on your name for your profile (either through a post/comment/or on the top of the forum)
    2. Scroll down on the new page opened (you’ll see verbiage, continue to scroll down)
    3. It will open up to “Profile” (stay under the profile tab) CLICK EDIT
    4. It will now open up the same Profile, to make changes, scroll down
    5. Scroll down till you see the word Avatar
    6. Click on the button that says, “Choose File” find your photo click on it
    7. On bottom right click where it says, “Update Profile” so it will save the changes

    Your profile photo is now submitted/updated!