Deliverance in the Public Schools (Educator’s Corner)

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    • #22059
      April Worthington

        Hello all,
        I wanted to share a cool testimony/experience that recently happened.

        I have been a public school elementary teacher for the past 2 years. I anoint my room, student desks and tables with oil regularly and I pray in my room. Lately I’ve been noticing more and more students who feel nauseous during my (short) class- which is an Encore/elective course they only have once every 6 days.

        Well the other day, we were watching a movie, it was an informal type of day near the end of the year, and I noticed a group of 5th graders whispering in the back, but I didn’t really address it. During that time, two different kids came up to me, hugged me and said ” You’re my favorite teacher” which may have been manipulation, I’m not sure. Suddenly- the whole group jumps up and yells loudly. They cry out “George is here- he just moved something!!”

        They were doing some sort of kitchen divination ‘game’ in whispers and something manifested in my classroom!!

        Immediately, with no filter or thought- this power and authority welled up from my gut and I cast it out of my classroom right then. “IN THE NAME OF JESUS!”

        The students were now very fearful and freaking out afterwards but it felt like a God door and I walked through it. I spoke to several of the kids and told him “have peace.” I then talked to them about the dangers of engaging in the occult and told them that demons ARE real. Later in the day, in the line outside my class, 4 of the most difficult kids were PRAYING!!!! They had their arms linked around each other, repenting and praying to Jesus. It was the most beautiful moment of my whole teaching career!

        Later, I had a very frank discussion about Jesus with two of the kids on the way to the bus and found out that one of them “loves Jesus very much.” It was awesome in so many ways and I’m so thankful to see God move.

        It was a very hard year with oppression and persecution, including me being kicked out of the school on false charges and then eventually starting a Bible club when I came back. I thank God that HE brought forth this issues and a demonstration of His power and love.

        I was then gone from the class for about 10 days as my Mom became very ill, that night, and I only saw those kids again a week and a half later. Glory to God- seeds of truth were planted!

      • #22786
        Mark Chase

          Hi sister April,

          Great story!

          When I taught fourth grade (I was taught elementary for 20 years before going FT ministry), I had to do the same: anoint desks and room, pray over the room, etc. I would place a hand on a child’s shoulder and pray softly, “I come against every heaviness. I bind every devil. Go from [name of child]!”

          One thing that really helped was our Prayer Circle. I organized a prayer group in which other Christian teachers met every morning before we were on the clock to pray it out. We noticed great results from our Prayer Circle.

          I also recommend that all teachers form an afterschool, permission slip-based Christian club. We had the Good News Club come in, and I was the faculty liaison.

          The fact is that most of the kids in elementary school are fully demonized. Deliverance must be taking place in the public school classroom!

          Brother Mark

        • #23211
          April Worthington

            I was leading a Good News Club last year and will this year too Lord willing!

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