IU Students and Alumni Are Invited to Attend the
2025 Annual Convention!

Join Mark, Jana, and fellow students and graduates of IU for three days in beautiful Fort Lauderdale, Florida on September 19-21, 2025

Fort Lauderdale Embassy Suites Hotel

• Fellowship, fun and learning

• An exciting array of presenters...

Dr. Bob Larson

Title of Presentation: Keynote Address

Website: boblarson.org


Jana Chase

Jana heads up the women’s ministry of Invicta Ministries and is Mark’s beautiful wife.

Title of Presentation: Protection Under Authority

Website: invictaministries.org


Mark Chase

Mark is the leader of both Invicta Ministries and Invicta University.

Title of Presentation: Critical Knowledge Points for Invicta Certification

Website: invictaministries.org


Scott Bitcon

Born again in 1989, Dr. Bitcon entered ministry in 2000. He has a Doctorate in ministry in which he specialized in demons and dissociation. Scott has a passion for Inner Healing, Deliverance, and Evangelism. He has personally ministered to over 16,000 people, including over 1,500 pastors. Dr. Bitcon has trained over 115,000 people in 189 countries. Scott is 68 years old and is based out of Phoenix, Arizona. Beyond ministry, he is a husband, father, grandfather and great-grandfather.

Title of Presentation: Effective Inner Healing

Website: innerhealinganddeliverance.org


Mike Gendron

After 35 years of being a devout Catholic, I had a crisis of faith when I began reading the Bible for the first time. I realized the Catholic plan of salvation was diametrically opposed to the Gospel of grace that is so clearly revealed in the Bible.

As I continued to abide in God’s word, I came to a knowledge of the truth, which began to set me free from the bondage of religious deception. I repented of the Catholic teachings that opposed God’s Word and trusted the Lord Jesus Christ as my all-sufficient Savior.

Soon after exchanging my religion for a relationship with my Savior, I left the Catholic Church in 1985 for a church where the true Gospel is proclaimed and Scripture is the supreme authority in all matters of faith.


Title of Presentation: TBA

Website: proclaimingthegospel.org


George La Du

George has been in the ministry forty-nine years.  He has been pastoring under Jubilee Christian Fellowship.  Twenty years ago, he left pastoring a local church to “pastor pastors and business people”.

His focus these last five years has been sharing the revelation of our Father’s love, helping people receive the tangible, experience of being loved by their heavenly Father.  Because George has lived being a good servant of God the last forty-five years of ministry, this mindset caused him to miss out on experiencing His Father’s love daily.  Now, he understands that he is a Beloved son who serves.

His passion is to help individuals experience their “Belovedness”.  This experience will cause not just a transfer of information but rather a transformation in the lives of people as they receive this fresh baptism of love.

George has been married to his beautiful wife Randi for fifty years.  They have four grown children and three grandchildren.  They live in Portland, Oregon.

Title of Presentation: The Beloved

Website: kingdomliving.global


Donnie Williams

Donnie is the Senior Pastor of Liberation Freedom Ministry in Atlanta, Georgia. He has been serving as a Healing and Deliverance Minister since 2004. Donnie studied under Bob Larson and currently assists Bob and the Do What Jesus Did (DWJD) teams in Los Angeles, Hemet, and San Diego, California. Donnie was ordained by Bob Larson in 2012. He also assists Jay Bartlett. Donnie began Liberation Freedom Ministry in 2011 with the Isaiah 61 mantle anointing placed on the ministry by the Holy Spirit. Donnie is a retired San Diego, California, Sheriff’s Deputy. Williams is a retired Navy veteran.

Title of Presentation: The Role of Soul-ties in the Ministry of Deliverance

Website: liberationfreedomministry.com


Dwayne Bigelow

Dwayne is a Corporate Development Strategist and owner of several successful Businesses. He is also the Co-Founder of Sonorous Entertainment, which owns the House of Beauty Gospel Catalog. He believes that Faith and Business are interconnected and success in all things comes only from seeking the Lord first.

Title of Presentation: A PRM’s Perspective


George La Du

George has been in the ministry forty-nine years.  He has been pastoring under Jubilee Christian Fellowship.  Twenty years ago, he left pastoring a local church to “pastor pastors and business people”.

His focus these last five years has been sharing the revelation of our Father’s love, helping people receive the tangible, experience of being loved by their heavenly Father.  Because George has lived being a good servant of God the last forty-five years of ministry, this mindset caused him to miss out on experiencing His Father’s love daily.  Now, he understands that he is a Beloved son who serves.

His passion is to help individuals experience their “Belovedness”.  This experience will cause not just a transfer of information but rather a transformation in the lives of people as they receive this fresh baptism of love.

George has been married to his beautiful wife Randi for fifty years.  They have four grown children and three grandchildren.  They live in Portland, Oregon.

Title of Presentation: The Beloved

Website: kingdomliving.global



Edra Hays

Pastor Edra Hays is passionately committed to healing the wounded and setting people free of demonic bondage. She is a seasoned and compassionate warrior for Christ. For well over 20 years those who had lost hope and felt of no value have benefited from her spiritual gifting and skill in bringing healing to broken hearts and taking dominion over demons to drive them out. 

Edra has traveled to Eastern Europe and Russia with ministry teams led by Dr. Bob Larson and is adept in ministering to other cultures and nations.

Dr. Bob Larson ordained Pastor Edra and she became part of Spiritual Freedom Church International in 2003. She is the United States National Director of ‘Do What Jesus Did Teams,’ which is a global network of highly trained and accountable exorcists.

2015 – Earned a Certificate of Completion for the International School of Exorcism 

 2019 – Completed Advanced Academy of Deliverance 

 Edra is currently enrolled in Bob Larson University, presently studying Apologetics and Demonology.

Title of Presentation: Walking in Freedom

Website: intangiblerealm.org


Patrice Gaillard

Patrice Gaillard is a wife, mother, and grandmother.  She is also a Licensed Christian Counselor, candidate for PhD in Christian counseling-EDC us December 2024. She is a multi-state licensed registered Nurse currently working in the state of Florida. In addition to her secular job, Patrice founded and manages Respite for Change Inc, a non-profit organization for counseling, inner healing, and deliverance ministry.

For over twenty years, Patrice has had the privilege to mentor many women and teens. She currently serves at her local church in the women’s discipleship ministry, and serves in her community by teaching at women’s conferences, holding workshops on spiritual warfare and public deliverance services. Her heartbeat is for the women she mentors to walk in freedom, to value their worth, their Christ given identity, to dream, discover and pursue their God given dreams and destinies.

Title of Presentation: Characteristics of the Professional Deliverance Minister

Website: respiteforchange.com



Dwayne Bigelow

Dwayne is a Corporate Development Strategist and owner of several successful Businesses. He is also the Co-Founder of Sonorous Entertainment, which owns the House of Beauty Gospel Catalog. He believes that Faith and Business are interconnected and success in all things comes only from seeking the Lord first.

Title of Presentation: A PRM’s Perspective


Edra Hays

Pastor Edra Hays is passionately committed to healing the wounded and setting people free of demonic bondage. She is a seasoned and compassionate warrior for Christ. For well over 20 years those who had lost hope and felt of no value have benefited from her spiritual gifting and skill in bringing healing to broken hearts and taking dominion over demons to drive them out. 

Edra has traveled to Eastern Europe and Russia with ministry teams led by Dr. Bob Larson and is adept in ministering to other cultures and nations.

Dr. Bob Larson ordained Pastor Edra and she became part of Spiritual Freedom Church International in 2003. She is the United States National Director of ‘Do What Jesus Did Teams,’ which is a global network of highly trained and accountable exorcists.

2015 – Earned a Certificate of Completion for the International School of Exorcism 

 2019 – Completed Advanced Academy of Deliverance 

 Edra is currently enrolled in Bob Larson University, presently studying Apologetics and Demonology.

Title of Presentation: Walking in Freedom

Website: intangiblerealm.org


Bob Koo

Bob is a practical minister of the Gospel, healing evangelist, and founder of Fresh Living Waters Ministries. Bob has ministered in 80+ nations. He ministers the word in the power of the Holy Spirit and empowers others to do the same!

Title of Presentation: The Great Commission’s Path to Miraculous Living

Website: freshlivingwater.org


Peter Lowe

Peter Lowe is a remarkable individual with a unique background as both an MK (Missionary Kid) and PK (Preacher’s Kid). Born in Pakistan and raised in India, he is now based in Florida, where he is deeply involved in deliverance and evangelistic ministry worldwide.

For decades, Peter was at the forefront of the Get Motivated seminars which he created, captivating audiences in arenas across America. These seminars, attended by over 5 million people, featured influential figures such as 7 US Presidents, heads of state, Olympic stars, and Superbowl champions. Through these events, Peter used his platform to share the transformative message of Jesus Christ with business audiences.

His compelling life story and unwavering commitment to his faith make him a captivating figure, offering unique insights into deliverance ministry.

Title of Presentation: Can God’s word ever return void? Demons can stop God’s word in its tracks. Discover new ways to stop demons in their tracks instead. 


Myriam Mantilla

Myriam mantilla is a Deliverance Coach & Intercessor and a student of Christian Counseling. Who loves to bring healing to the body of Christ. To equip women and encourage them into their calling of who God created them to be!

Title of Presentation: A PRM’s Perspective


Claire Roker

Claire Roker is the Director of Prayer Ministries at Temple Aron HaKodesh, a Messianic congregation where both Jewish and non-Jewish believers in Jesus worship together in a biblical and traditional Jewish way. She has served as head of their Deliverance and Inner Healing Ministry for over 30 years, meeting in private sessions with those needing emotional, mental, and, or physical healing. Her desire is to see the captives set free (Is. 61) so that the Kingdom of God can be released here on earth as it is in heaven.

Title of Presentation: The Hidden Obstacle to Victory

Website: taklife.org


Dr. Selwyn Stevens

Dr. Selwyn Stevens is the leader of Jubilee Resources based out of New Zealand. He is an expert on Christian cults and Freemasonry. His training courses have attracted people from virtually all Christian denominations. Interviews with Selwyn have been broadcast on Radio Rhema (NZ), Radio NZ National, UCB Australia, TBN Europe, TBN Global & TBN Hawai’i, Zambia Broadcasting (TV), Web radio Jesus4U Canada, & Hospital Radio United Kingdom.

Jubilee Resources has affiliates in over 80 countries, and a Board of Reference including denominational leaders & pastors, counsellors, medical, scientific, legal & accounting practitioners, plus ex-cult & ex-Masonic members.

Jubilee Resources Intl. has been hosted on five continents by many denominations, including:
Anglican, Assembly of God, Baptist, Open Brethren, Salvation Army, Lutheran, Churches of Christ (both NZ & Australian), Uniting, United, Presbyterian, Mennonite, Amish, Episcopalian, Methodist, Christian Outreach, Christian Revival, New Life, Apostolic, Elim, Christian International, Vineyard, Bethesda, Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada, Showers of Blessings, Calvary, Christian & Missionary Alliance, Christian City, & Four Square, plus many independent churches, ministries, schools, and Bible colleges.
Title of Presentation: The Big Picture

Ulysis Velozo

Ulysis Velozo, is a dedicated shepherd of a congregation, ministering through his online platforms “Revelation Sphere Live” on YouTube and “Divine Intervention” on Telegram. As a prolific writer, he has authored enlightening works such as “Fasting the Bible Way” and “A Biblical Description of Hell.” Ulysis is the visionary founder of the Proton Believers Ministry Training School and serves as the esteemed Pastor of Revelation Sphere Church. A passionate teacher, worshipper, and artist, Ulysis balances his spiritual endeavors with the joys of fatherhood, raising two children. With a steadfast commitment to serving God since the age of 19, Ulysis life embodies a profound dedication to faith and community.

Title of Presentation: Deliverance in the Glory of God

Website: revelationsphere.org

Additional 2025 Convention presenters will be added soon!

(Bio continued)

Bob has been featured in The Los Angeles Times, The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Daily News London, Financial Times Germany, and other major publications. International TV documentaries have included Brazil, Germany, Norway, France, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Holland, Belgium, Japan, and Korea. He is the president of the highly acclaimed, online International School of Exorcism, with hundreds of alumni in scores of nations. Bob is the author of nearly 40 books translated into more than a dozen languages, including: Larson’s Book of Spiritual Warfare, Larson’s Book of World Religions, Demon Proofing Prayers, Curse Breaking, Jezebel, Dealing with Demons and four, fictional novels.

Reverend, Doctor Bob Larson has spent a lifetime studying and producing educational materials to further a deeper understanding of spiritual warfare. He attended theUniversity of Nebraska as a pre-med major with intentions of becoming a doctor. His primary studies were in languages, comparative anatomy, and chemistry. Instead of pursuing a medical degree, he left higher education for a short career in motivational speaking, while studying for the ministry. His initial theological education was through the Global University Berean School of the Bible, which led to his ordination by a major evangelical denomination. He was also later ordained by the Calvary CathedralInternational association of churches. Dr. Larson has served in active ministry nearly 50years, since his initial ordination.

Dr. Larson continued his religious studies by reading the works of classic Christian theologians and early church fathers, such as Aquinas and Augustine. Many of Dr.Larson’s books, such as “Larson’s Book of Cults” and “Larson’s Book of WorldReligions” have become enduring classics which are used in the course studies of major seminaries. He has written nearly 40 books, many best sellers, translated into 20languages. In 2005, he founded the Spiritual Freedom Churches International (SFC), a fellowship of associated and affiliated congregations adhering to Dr. Larson’s vision of church bodies which would embrace the message of salvation, spiritual healing, and deliverance. Dr. Larson augmented his previous ordinations by receiving additional ordination through SFC.

For 10 years, Dr. Larson served as the senior pastor of a locally organized body of believers called the Spiritual Freedom Church of Phoenix, Arizona. In 2014 he launched the online International School of Exorcism (ISE), the first internet supported training and certification body embracing the spiritual disciplines of healing, deliverance, and exorcism. To date, more than one thousand students from nearly 50 countries have completed this schooling. In 2018 Dr. Larson augmented ISE with the AdvancedAcademy of Deliverance, an online graduate-level training curriculum in deliverance and exorcism ministry.

In recognition of his lifetime achievements, the Board of Governors of SFC and ISE awarded Reverend Larson the honorary title of Doctor of Divinity with the following proclamation: In recognition of an exemplary lifetime contribution to Christendom through personal deliverance ministry to thousands of individuals, authoring of 37 original books, preaching, teaching, college lectureships, radio broadcasting, media productions across the decades and leadership in the ministry of exorcism, the Governors hereby confer upon Bobby Emil Larson the Honorary Degree, Doctor of Divinity, with all the rights, privileges and honors appertaining thereto, in witness whereof the seal of the school and the signatures of its officers are hereto affixed; given at Denver, Colorado this 15th day of December in the year of our Lord, two thousand and sixteen. Now entering his fifth decade of ministry, Dr. Bob Larson continues his life’s work to raise up a generation of Warriors for Christ, dedicated to teaching Christians how to “Get Free, Stay Free, and Live Free.”

(Bio continued)

After obtaining a degree in Applied Mathematics from the University of Louisiana, I worked In the space program at Cape Kennedy, FL for three years. Later, I obtained an MBA from the University of Texas at Dallas and enjoyed a 17-year career in business. In 1988, I left my career to study at Dallas Theological Seminary. During my last semester at DTS, my love and compassion for Catholics developed into a ministry that would proclaim the Lord Jesus Christ as the all sufficient Savior. I have a great love and compassion for those who may be where I was for most of my life – eternally condemned and not even aware of it.
For 32 years, I have been directing the ministry of Proclaiming the Gospel and preaching throughout the world including seminaries, churches and conferences in New Zealand, Australia, Philippines, Myanmar, Croatia, Spain, Italy, France, Germany, England, Scotland, Ireland, Northern Ireland, Israel, Turkey, and Canada. For 20 years I have had the privilege of preaching at The Masters Seminary Chapel and The Masters Academy International (TMAI). I am the author of two books, Preparing for Eternity and Contending for the Gospel, and 8 Gospel tracts. Our ministry also uses several social media platforms including Instagram, MeWe, LinkedIn, and YouTube to equip and encourage the saints to be effective witnesses and also to contend earnestly for the exclusivity and purity of the Gospel. American Gospel TV has produced 10 episodes for their network featuring my teaching on Roman Catholicism. Our monthly newsletter reaches over 30,000 subscribers throughout the world.